Small Change, Big Difference
NO Harm to People, No Harm to Environment
"Safety First‟ is the first and most important Corporate value Our safety vision reflects our belief that we can, and will, achieve
BGP Oman held a successful Technical Workshopwas in Muscat, the capital of Oman on June 15, 2022. Workshop was held both online and off line participants. The Workhop participants were invited from major Oil and Gas operators in Oman. There were also a participation from other 20 participants from diffirent BGP branches, including BGP Internationmal, BGP Oman, BGP Non Seismic, BGP Abu Dhabi processing centre and other integrated entities. Few other members participated via video link.
The Technical Workshop show case BGP's best practices covering onshore acquisition, and advances in diffirent seismic data processing techniques. Technical developments on land seismic include developed seismic aquisition methods, advance data processing technologies, Intelliegent Seismic crews, Ultra Sensitivity Distributed Acouting Sensing (uDAS), VSP and Non Seismic techniques available with BGP.
The Representatives expressed their insight and the future vision of the direction of Oil & Gas Indystry with the upcoming challenges and the way forward in the future.
At the End of the workshop participants appreciated the workshop plateform provided by BGP and hope to continue such practices and show case BGP innovations and developments in the Oil & Gas Exploration with the Aim of more collaboration and cooperations in various apportunities.
BGP Oman Technical Workshop has made an excellent achievment in getting the client's trust and promoting safe and cost effective methods and has facilitated the building of BGP's corporate vision even in other regions.
Commitment of BGP Oman towards HSE
HSE Policies and Commitment Statements of BGPI
Covid-19 Dealt with Safely
Success of The BGP Oman Technical Workshop